This week has been pretty busy on my part. It’s the week before spring break (thank god for spring break), which means my professors are squeezing in all of their exams before we get time off. Three exams for me this week on top of classes, lab, tutoring and peer mentoring for a lab. Needless to say, we’ve been making a lot of quick dinners this week. This included multi grain tortilla pizzas, eggs of all sorts, and then Tuesday night, we made cheeseburger wraps. This was mainly because we didn’t have any bread because we’ve been cleaning out our perishable foods. I was so in the mood for a cheeseburger, so I was kind of disappointed we didn’t have rolls of some sort to put them on, but they were just as good on the wraps.
Cheeseburger Wraps
I had a bit more time this night for cooking, so we roasted some potatoes that we cut with a wavy knife and topped them with some cheese and onion. Wavy cut only takes about 25 minutes to roast, so it was quicker than usual. 🙂
We sautéed some baby bella mushrooms and onions for inside our yummy!
Cheeseburger Wraps
yields about 3 servings
about 1 lb. ground beef (enough for 3 medium sized patties)
6 baby bella mushrooms, sliced
1/4 cup onion, sliced
about 1/4 cup shredded cheese (we used cheddar)
various seasonings, to taste (for beef, we used Onion Onion, Garlic Garlic, salt, pepper)
about 1 T Worcestershire
1 T olive oil
In a bowl, combine ground beef with seasonings and most of the Worcestershire and mix thoroughly. Shape into patties. Over medium heat, cook burgers in small skillet until cooked all the way through, flipping after about 3-4 minutes for each side.
In separate skillet, heat the olive oil over medium heat. Add in the mushrooms and onions, and cook until onions are translucent and mushrooms have cooked down significantly.
Place wraps on a baking sheet and sprinkle a little bit of cheddar cheese down the center. Place under the broiler until cheese is melted (watch carefully!). Add any seasonings you want, also.
Once cheese is melted and patties are done, crumble one patty on each wrap into chunky pieces along the cheddar cheese line in the center. Add in some mushrooms and onion and any extra condiments you may want.
Fold the bottom of the wrap over the bottom portion of the patty, and then fold the left side over on top of that. Complete the wrap by rolling the right side of the tortilla over the remaining exposed patty. Serve up with some roasted potatoes and enjoy!