Today is this little monster’s birthday. He’s a whole year old, can you believe it?! No longer a kitten.. but maybe this will mean he’ll soon grow out of the habit of eating our feet all the time (I doubt it)! Happy Pi Day, as well! Yes, my little Tesla was born on Pi day, which I thought was fitting, seeing as he was named after a genius inventor (Nikola Tesla).
For Tessy’s birthday, I thought about making him a pie, but I figured I should try to make it as kitty friendly as possible, and they’re carnivores, so I couldn’t justify the pie crust. Since he loves greek yogurt, I decided I’d make him a little parfait. With salmon. In a shot glass.
All I did to make this was cook the salmon with a tiny bit of olive oil in a nonstick skillet with a dash of salt, let it cool, crumble the salmon into bite sized pieces, and layer the shot glass with the salmon crumbles and plain greek yogurt (we love Chobani). Tesla was alllll over this when I was making it; it was hard to keep him away!
He inhaled this thing. I thought it was hilarious – he tried to stuff his face down in there. I made the right choice here for his birthday treat, for sure!
He made a pretty big mess, in his haste to chow down. He cleaned it all up afterwards, though – can’t leave any to waste! 😉