I am all about natural alternative sweeteners. You will never, ever see me using splenda, but you’ll often see me using stevia/erythritol blends (Truvia, PureVia). So of course, when I heard about a new natural sweetener, Swerve, I just had to try it out. The lovely people at Swerve were kind enough to send me a sample of the granular, confectioner’s style, and single-serve packets (with the most adorable baking kit).
Because I usually have cinnamon toast every morning with Truvia, I knew I had to do the cinnamon toast test with Swerve to see how it compared.
Swerve is made with erythritol and ogliosaccharides from plant fibers, and they boasted no bitter aftertaste (like that of stevia), so I knew the cinnamon toast would show whether that was the truth immediately.
For my cinnamon toast, I toast a slice of bread, slather it with some coconut oil (or butter), sprinkle it with sweetener (1 packet), and a hefty dose of cinnamon.
I am happy to say that they are telling the truth – no aftertaste whatsoever! It really tastes exactly like sugar. That being said, truvia is definitely sweeter, which I’ve sort of grown used to, but comparing to sugar, it has exactly the same level of sweetness and flavor. Truvia definitely has a slight aftertaste (because stevia is slightly bitter), so if you can’t handle the aftertaste, Swerve is your best choice! I can’t wait to try it in my baking; it measures exactly the same as sugar, so you don’t need to do any conversions before starting a recipe!
Swerve definitely passed the cinnamon toast test with an A+!
Disclaimer: While Swerve did send me a free sample of their products to try, all opinions are my own. I was not required to give a positive review (or a review at all). I just wanted to share something I’m excited about with all of you!
Before I leave you all today to spend time with the kitty (it’s his first birthday), I want to kindly ask you all to vote for my friend Andrew’s band, The Scene Aesthetic, in Billboard’s Battle of the Bands! The contest is for the best unsigned artists across the U.S., and The Scene Aesthetic was chosen as one of three in the Northwest – if they win this round, they’ll move on to the Battle of the Bands gig, and if they win that, they’ll perform at the 2012 Billboard Music Awards, which is an amazing opportunity for them!! I have no doubt that they’ll win if they make it to the next round; Andrew’s an extremely talented musician, and I’m sure you all will love them! Definitely check them out and vote!
Andrew’s music is what I always listen to when I’m feeling homesick at all (for my Pittsburgh family or my Seattle family), and it always makes me feel better! Here are a few pictures back from 2006, the first time I ever saw them play live:
Andrew’s music is what I always listen to when I’m feeling homesick at all (for my Pittsburgh family or my Seattle family), and it always makes me feel better! Here are a few pictures back from 2006, the first time I ever saw them play live: