I am officially done for the semester! Hooray. Now, I’m able to get back into working out regularly; the combination of my foot aching every time I exercised and my hectic schedule gave me way too perfect of an excuse to give myself a bit of a hiatus. I’m totally okay with that, though – it’s always good to give our bodies time to recover and rest, and now I’m feeling better than ever! I’ve been playing around with my kettle bells (I liked this workout a lot), biking, doing yoga, and adding a few weights here and there.
Another thing that’s fantastic about being done for the semester is cleaning. Last night, I scrubbed down the entire kitchen – I can’t wait to mess it back up again making new recipes! I plan on attempting to tackle the rest of the dusting and vacuuming today. I’ve never been so excited to clean.
I figured I’d start with a quick and simple recipe to kick off the summer – guacamole! I was surprised when I saw that I don’t have any guacamole recipes in the archives; be prepared for at least a few throughout the summer to remedy that! To start it off, I went with my favorite classic guac.