After arriving home from Vegas, it definitely has taken me a few days to get back into a normal routine. I spent most of the weekend cuddling kitties and catching up on TV shows. The kitties were SO happy for us to be home – Tesla has hardly let me out of his sight at all. Such a nice welcome! 😉
When we were in Vegas, my go-to drink when we were at the slots or tables was a whiskey sour. I can’t tell you how refreshing it was to have a sour drink and finish it off with a sweet maraschino cherry. It didn’t hurt that the drinks were free, either! Each casino had a different sour mix, but I definitely liked the one from Caesar’s Palace the best – it tasted the most fresh! When I came home, I immediately had to make my own sour mix. I’m already out of whiskey because I only had this little bottle here – can’t wait to try some good bourbon with this mix! [Read more…]